I have made this blog private. Because of the crazy stalker lady, but also just because it was time to start fresh someplace else. I know I can't really hide from the stalker, as she is now using Yahoo Cache to go back over old blog posts of mine.... but still, I can start fresh elsewhere for now.
A few folks have always been on the 'private' list for this blog, and able to see it no matter what.
I'll be un-caging all the old blog posts here eventually, and letting them show so I can look back over them when I wish.
If you wish to know of the new blog, ask, and I'll be happy to send you a link. The reader list here is only a few people.... and those are welcome. Other than that, I'm going to keep it low key.
Cheers friends... and may life bring you joy.
March 5 Iditarod Update
3 hours ago